Imagine being free from the habit and addiction of smoking, without suffering the agitation and stress of withdrawal…
If you are thinking about or trying to quit smoking, you have probably asked yourself questions like –
I have been a smoker for most of my life. Will I actually be able to quit?
I have tried gums, patches, and medications; can anything help me quit smoking?
I know how unhealthy smoking is, so why can’t I quit for good?
If you have tried to quit smoking, you know how hard it can be. Not only do you have to overcome the chemical addiction to nicotine, you also have to break the physical habit of smoking. You may have tried gums, pills, and patches to help you quit smoking, only to pick the habit right back up after a stressful day. These smoking aides work to curb the chemical addiction of smoking but do nothing to ease the physical addiction you have developed over the years.
Quit Smoking Testimonials
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person

Odds are, you smoke relatively close to the same time each day, probably in the morning on your way to work, during your lunch break, on your way home, after dinner and before going to bed. Your body is used to having a cigarette at these times and even if you are able to overcome the chemical addiction to smoking, you are left with a strong desire to smoke during these times. How many times have you reached for your cigarettes out of habit not desire?
Not feeling dependent on cigarettes to get through your day
Being free from negative habits, without suffering through withdrawal symptoms
Feeling more in control of your life and your health

Quit-smoking hypnosis is different from other stop smoking aides in that it works to eliminate your chemical addiction and your habit of smoking. Hypnosis works because it deals with the subconscious mind, where your addiction stems from. After years of smoking, you become mentally and emotionally addicted as well. In fact, your mind has probably come to expect an infusion of nicotine when you become sad, stressed, or angry or when you need quiet time to relax. During hypnosis your NYC hypnotist is able to connect with the inner mind to address your mental and emotional addiction to cigarettes so that you can finally quit smoking for good. Through the use of positive suggestions, visualization, and other special techniques, your NYC hypnotist can retrain your mind so that it deals with stress and the daily struggles of life in a healthy, positive fashion that is not dependent upon nicotine or cigarettes.
Quit smoking hypnosis at the NYC Hypnosis Center works safely, naturally, and quickly to help you to break the smoking habit for good. By addressing your physical, mental, and emotional addiction, hypnosis is one of the only ways to effectively overcome your addiction to cigarettes, so you become a non-smoker, healthier, and in better control of your life. Stop-smoking hypnosis can help eliminate your addiction to cigarettes and helps you deal with daily stress in a healthy, more positive way.
NY Smoking Cessation Hypnosis Client is Smoke free for 1 year!
“I wanted to make it to a major milestone before confirming how happy I have been. I have been smoke free since my hypnosis session with you, over 12 months now! I want you to know how thankful I am. I am Pregnant now and looking forward to living smoke free and healthy!”
– Dana Costello
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
Can you really quit smoking with hypnosis?
“Half of People who used Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking were still cigarette-free in 6 months, versus just 16% of nicotine-replacement users and 25% of people who went cold turkey” -Glamour
In study after study, hypnosis has been shown to have very positive results in regard to smoking cessation (quitting smoking). A study held at the Community Mental Health Clinic (CMHC) found that 87% of patients who used hypnotherapy to stop smoking were able to quit. More importantly over 80% of them remained smoke-free three months later. “Psychol Rep 1994″
Hypnosis is very effective because it addresses both your physical as well as mental addiction, and the false belief that you can’t live without cigarettes.
Does it matter how long you have been smoking or how many cigarettes you smoke per day?
This is a very common question. We have not seen any connection between the length of time, or the number of cigarettes smoked, that relate to the effectiveness of hypnosis for smoking cessation.
We have helped clients who have smoked for over 40 years, quit just as quickly and easily, as clients who have smoked for less than 10 years.
While the hypnotic techniques we utilize will be different and personalized, we have found that light smokers, less than 10 cigarettes per day, and heavy smokers, 1 pack or more per day, are equally successful.

What happens during a stop smoking hypnosis session?
During an NYC Hypnosis Center session, we start with a discussion that helps to identify your smoking triggers, motivations, and emotional attachments, including where and when you smoke, so that we can break these connections in hypnosis.
We will explain what to expect during and after the session and address any questions you might have about the process.
What happens while I am in hypnosis?
We guide you into hypnosis which you will likely find to be very relaxing. We will then use a variety of personalized hypnotic techniques to program your inner mind and help free you from the desire to smoke ever again.
Will I gain weight because I have stopped smoking?
We use highly effective hypnotic suggestions to address your triggers and to help prevent weight gain or any other potentially unhealthy substitutes for smoking.
What happens after I have completed the stop smoking hypnosis program?
We at the NYC Hypnosis Center, will give you a self-hypnosis recording along with some very specific and personalized strategies to use after your session.
Why should I choose your “Kick the Habit, Hypnosis NYC program”?
We specialize in hypnosis to quit smoking; we have helped thousands of clients and we can help you. But don’t take our word for it, click here to watch Video Testimonials.
We also offer a free Phone Consultation.
What are the actual costs of cigarettes?
In New York City a pack of cigarettes cost $15 which is the highest in the nation
4 cigarettes a day – $1095 per year
Half a pack a day – $2737 per year
1 pack a day – $5475 per year
1.5 packs a day – $8212 per year
2 packs a day – $10,950 per year
Now what is your health worth?
How do I know that I am choosing the best New York City Hypnotist for quitting smoking?
Aside from our numerous online testimonials, we have many video testimonials describing how hypnosis helped our New York hypnosis clients, regardless of how many years they smoked.
Video testimonials are the best way to get a firsthand account of the expertise of a hypnosis practice. Our testimonials do not look like commercials because they aren’t. We purposely did not try to create a professional video that looks like a commercial because we wanted our clients to give a non-scripted account of their experience.
Most of our smoking clients are referred to us from physicians, who have other patients, that we have helped become non-smokers.
We have been certified by multiple hypnosis associations including the International Alliance of Clinical Hypnotists and Therapists, the National Guild of Hypnotists, and the International Association of Counselors and Therapists.
Are these group or private sessions?
All of the NYC Hypnosis Center sessions are private, one on one sessions. Group sessions cannot be personalized which is very important. We use hypnotic techniques geared toward how many cigarettes you smoke, when you smoke, and your specific triggers.

Is there Scientific Proof that Stop Smoking with Hypnosis Works?
When re-evaluated at six months, patients who used hypnotherapy to stop smoking were more successful at staying non-smokers than people who quit smoking using nicotine replacement therapy or stopped entirely on their own (“cold turkey”). Science Daily
When evaluated for any smoking relapse at six months to three years after treatment, smokers who used a combination of hypnotherapy and a Rapid Smoking (RS) protocol had a 90% success rate. This means that 39 of the 43 smokers who used hypnosis and RS were able to remain smoke-free for long periods.
In a study, hypnosis was shown to have successful long-term results for smoking cessation (stopping smoking). Out of 21 patients who used hypnotism to stop smoking, there were 81% able to quit smoking. Out of that 81%, almost half were still smoke-free one year later. Source: “National Center for Biotechnology Information”
In a large study published in “The Journal of Applied Psychology”, hypnosis was found to have more positive outcomes for smoking cessation—15 times more than simply using willpower. Hypnosis was three times more effective than using medicated nicotine patches.
When an overall evaluation was done on a combination of 600 smoking cessation studies performed with 72,000 research participants, hypnosis was the leading method for successfully quitting smoking. Hypnosis had consistently better success rates than nicotine replacement methods and sheer willpower. “Journal of Applied Psychology”
In a study performed with hospitalized patients, participation in just one stop smoking hypnosis NYC session resulted in a larger number of smoke free patients six months after the session, when compared to patients who tried nicotine patches or tried to stop without assistance.
Patients were assigned one of four methods to quit smoking after discharge; hypnotherapy (including self-hypnosis and tapes performed at home), a nicotine substitute with hypnotherapy, just nicotine replacement, and no assistance (willpower).
When re-evaluated 26 weeks after discharge, the group who had received only hypnosis was just as successful as the group who was given both hypnosis and a nicotine substitute (both at 50% smoke-free). The other groups, who did not work with a hypnotherapist, did not fare as well. The group that only used willpower was 25% smoke free. Surprisingly, the group with only a nicotine substitute was the lowest at a little above 15%...6% Success – “Massachusetts General Hospital & North Shore Medical Center”
Hypnosis has a very high smoking cessation rate when combined with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), at 95%. About 51% were able to quit through hypnosis alone.
Hypnosis can result in a 90% success rate when used for smoking cessation. “MMW Fortschr Med. 2004 May 13;146(20):16”
Hypnosis results in longer-lasting smoking cessation results when compared to smokers who quit without any assistance. A study of 71 people who quit smoking found that those who used hypnosis to quit smoking were two times more likely to still be smoke-free at two years than people who quit without using any assistance. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2005; 37:3, pages 245-250
Are your “Kick the Habit, Hypnosis NYC sessions” held in person, over the phone, or on Skype?
Some people prefer to attend our quit smoking program in person at our location in the heart of Midtown, Manhattan (New York, NY).
We also offer Skype sessions, which are just as effective, for those people who live in other parts of the country, or the world for that matter.
We are sensitive to those who prefer not to travel or come in person, due to reasons like the Coronavirus outbreak or those who have phobias related to open spaces or large crowds.
Others who live in New York may simply find it more convenient to do the sessions via Skype as well.
The Hypnotic Hold of Smoking
Without realization, you have been hypnotized into becoming a smoker. This isn’t a process that involves pendulums and spirals, but a subtle entrapping of the mind where the act of smoking has become a subconscious routine. This deeply entrenched behavior is founded on a mistaken perception, one that equates smoking for pleasure or relaxation.
Nicotine, a stimulant, oddly enough, seems to evoke a sense of calmness, doesn’t it? But, don’t be fooled! The “tranquility” or the “joy” you believe to associate with a lit cigarette is nothing but an elaborate illusion. What’s actually happening is that you’re temporarily relieving the discomfort caused by nicotine withdrawal. In essence, you’re tricking your mind into thinking smoking has a soothing effect.
Now, let’s take a moment and rewind back to your first encounter with a cigarette. Remember that very first puff? Was it truly enjoyable? Did the smoke filling your lungs instill a sense of relaxation, or were you just putting up a brave front, trying not to cough it out? Fast forward to today, think about this – do you ever catch yourself desperately reaching for a cigarette not because you want it, but because you think you “need” it?
The De-Hypnotizing Power of Stop Smoking Hypnosis
Our mission is to “de-hypnotize” you, to break the shackles of this false perception and to restore you to your original state – the comfortable, nicotine-independent individual you inherently are. Whether this is your first attempt at cessation, or you’ve found yourself on this journey multiple times before (statistics suggest that an average smoker makes 7 to 9 quit attempts in their life), we believe in your ability to turn into a non-smoker. That’s where stop smoking hypnosis can be instrumental.
Our approach is holistic and personalized. Our quit smoking hypnosis sessions are specifically designed around your needs, with a focus on understanding your unique smoking patterns and subconscious behaviors. Our goal is to identify and eradicate the triggers that prompt you to reach for a cigarette. This is a departure from group hypnosis, which often utilizes generic suggestions, and instead ensures that your personal smoking issues are addressed. Our unique hypnosis to quit smoking techniques ensure a personalized approach.
We understand that the path to cessation is not one-size-fits-all, and therefore, we work diligently to design a program that is as unique as your journey. We are firm in our belief that this custom-made, focused strategy, including the use of stop smoking hypnosis, is your best bet at successfully quitting smoking. After all, the end game here isn’t simply to quit smoking, but to do so in a way that allows you to lead a comfortable, sustainable life, free from the clutches of nicotine.
The Unseen Costs of Smoking
So, what’s the worst part about smoking?
- Health Hazards: Undeniably, the most significant blow from smoking is to your health. A habitual smoker risks a host of diseases, from lung cancer and emphysema to stroke. Like a slow-acting poison, the smoke is insidiously and relentlessly chipping away at your health.
- Financial Fallout: Another aspect of smoking that often goes unnoticed is the monetary cost. It’s an expensive habit, with the price of cigarettes only ever escalating. Imagine the amount you spend on cigarettes in a month, a year, or even over a span of five years—it adds up to a staggering sum. And let’s not forget the additional costs – the increased health care bills, medications, and other expenses that come bundled with this habit.
- Social Strains: Smoking also strains your relationships and social interactions. The act of smoking has increasingly become socially unacceptable. You may find yourself stepping outside frequently when you’re at social gatherings, missing out on precious moments, and potentially causing discomfort to your loved ones.
- Premature Aging and Unpleasant Odor: Smoking speeds up the aging process, leaving you looking older than you are. It also leaves a persistent odor, announcing your habit to everyone around you.
Hypnosis for smoking can help transform this gloomy, smoke-filled scenario into a brighter, smoke-free reality that your subconscious will readily accept and work towards achieving.
Overcoming Fear with Hypnosis to Quit Smoking
Why do people continue to smoke despite knowing the health risks and having effective tools like hypnosis to quit smoking at their disposal? The answer lies in the realm of fear.
Examples include:
- The fear of not being able to relax without a cigarette.
- Fear of weight gain.
- Fear of losing a sense of security.
- Fear of navigating life’s daily pressures without cigarettes.
Yet, the only fear between you and a smoke-free life is the fear of experiencing discomfort from not smoking. Hypnosis for smoking near me can make the quitting process easier. It helps eliminate cravings, remove the desire for a cigarette, and subside the feeling of needing a cigarette.
Our focus is on re-patterning your subconscious mind to align it with your desire for change. You truly tap into your power for change. Remember, if you stop smoking now, your body will start repairing the smoking damage within just 20 minutes!
But quitting requires motivation and effort on your part. Hypnosis can ease the journey, but the first step has to be yours. Quit smoking hypnosis can be a beneficial first step.
The Healing Journey: Your Body’s Recovery from Smoking
Quitting smoking triggers a remarkable timeline of healing and recovery in your body, testament to the body’s natural ability to heal and restore itself. Here’s how this healing journey unfolds:
Immediate Effects
The clock starts ticking immediately after your last puff. In as little as 20 minutes, your body starts to embrace the benefits of this healthier path you’ve chosen. Both nicotine and carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas, start to decrease in your bloodstream. The immediate result? A steadying pulse and blood pressure.
Short-Term Recovery
As a handful of hours roll into days, the curtain lifts off your senses. You’ll find your meals more flavorful, and the world smells different, even better! What’s happening is the nerve endings, once damaged by smoke, are slowly starting to grow back.
One-Year Milestone
When you look back at a year without smoking, the positive changes are undeniable. Your chances of suffering from coronary heart disease, heart attack, or stroke have been cut down by a remarkable 50%! Gone are the frequent episodes of breathlessness and coughing as your lungs are making noteworthy progress in their recovery.
A Decade into the Journey
Fast-forward to ten years along your smoke-free journey, and you’ll find that your risk of succumbing to lung cancer is half of what a smoker’s is. Moreover, your likelihood of developing cancers of the pancreas, kidney, esophagus, bladder, mouth, and throat has significantly decreased.
The Fifteen-Year Mark
When you reach the fifteen-year landmark, you’ll discover that your risk of coronary heart disease matches that of someone who has never smoked. You’ve essentially turned back the clock and gifted yourself a renewed chance at a healthy life.
These milestones underline the immense potential of your body to recover when you quit smoking. However, the healing journey, while powerful, can be challenging to embark upon alone.
Stop Smoking Hypnosis: Your Companion in the Quitting Journey
If you’re located in New York and want to quit smoking, consider seeking New York quit smoking hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic tool that can significantly ease your journey to becoming smoke-free. It targets your subconscious, helping reshape your attitudes, beliefs, and habits around smoking.
Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation can be a powerful support system, providing you with the necessary reinforcement to stay smoke-free. It reinforces your determination to quit, helps manage withdrawal symptoms, and equips you to deal with triggers effectively.
So, take the first step towards reclaiming your health today. Remember, it’s never too late to start. With your determination and the right tools, such as hypnotherapy to quit smoking, a healthier, smoke-free life awaits you.
Don’t forget to check out our page on weight loss hypnotherapy in nyc!