Break the Connection Between Stress and Food With Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Lose Weight Hypnosis NYC

Imagine maintaining healthy eating habits, enjoying regular exercise, and having more energy, by quickly establishing effective, healthy habits.

Do you want to eat better and lose weight but find yourself struggling with questions like –
“Why can’t I control how much I eat?”
“Why do I turn to food whenever I’m upset?”
“How can I stick to an exercise program when I’m always busy?”
“Why do I feel so hungry when I don’t get a good night sleep?”

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Overcome Unexplainable Challenges With a Past Life Regression

Past Life Therapy NYC

Imagine having a deeper understanding of who you are and what your life purpose is here on earth.

If you have ever struggled with feelings that you do not understand or behaviors that don’t seem to make sense, you may be wondering –

“What is the meaning of the dreams I have repeatedly?”
“Why do I have these fears?”
“Why do I worry about things that have no obvious connection to my life?”

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Fear of Germs Hypnosis

fear of germs hypnosis NYC

Imagine being able to overcome your fear of germs naturally and easily, without medications or years of therapy.

If you have an irrational fear of germs, you know that that it is very difficult to explain your aversion to germs. You may find yourself facing questions like,

“Why do I always wash my hands?”

“Do I have obsessive compulsive disorder?”

“Do I really need to carry disinfectant wipes everywhere I go?”

“Do people understand why I don’t shake their hand?”

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Improve Your Tennis Game With Hypnosis

Imagine taking your tennis game to a whole new level with unreserved power and agility.

After a match, are you left asking yourself question like:
“What do the champions have that I do not?”
“What mental ability am I missing?”
“How do I get over this plateau in my tennis game?”
“How do I reach that next level?”

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Social Phobia Hypnosis

Social Anxiety Hypnotherapy NYC

Imagine being comfortable and confident whether you are in a social setting or giving a presentation.

If you have a social phobia, you may often wonder –

“Why can’t I simply go out with my friends for a night on the town?”
“How will I ever find a better job when I can’t bare the thoughts of interviewing?”
“I’m so afraid to give this speech. How can I get out of doing it?”

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Are You Curious About Past Life Regression?

Past Life Regression NYC

Have you ever wondered why you have certain fears or limiting beliefs? Have you wondered why you were born into the life you have and if you have a higher purpose? Do you have unexplained pains, physical issues, or mental issues like compulsions or anxieties? If you do, you have probably wondered if something from your past is causing your problems today. Odds are, the answer is yes. But sometimes the issue stems from not just your past, but a past life. One of the many lives you lived prior to becoming the person you are now.

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Hypnosis for Migraine Headaches

Migraine Hypnosis NYC

Imagine being able to control and even eliminate migraine headaches without powerful medications and potential side effects. Hypnosis for Migraine Headaches can help you do just that.

As someone who suffers from migraine headaches, you likely to ask yourself
“Why does this happen to me?”
“Why does the medicine take so long to work?”
“ How can I prevent these headaches from occurring?”

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Is Weight Loss Hypnosis a Fad?

weight loss hypnotherapy New York city

From ancient Egypt to 18th century Europe, to 19th century America, hypnosis has been used to treat everything from pain to phobias. Utilizing hypnosis now in the 21st century as a way to make weight loss programs more effective and effortless is far from being a fad. Unlike weight loss fads that may not even work, hypnosis is the only method that accesses the subconscious to remove the mental barriers that can prevent you from reaching your weight loss, exercise, and healthy lifestyle goals.

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How Weight Loss Hypnosis Works

NYC weight loss hypnosis New York Lose Weight hypnotherapy NYC

Are you struggling to lose weight and maintain a consistent exercise routine? Have you hit a plateau in your diet, and find yourself stepping on the scale every morning just to find you have not lost a pound? Are you tired of feeling frustrated with the whole process? Do you want to try something new that will kick start your exercise plan and increase your determination? If so, you may be wondering how weight loss hypnosis works.

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