How to Stick to New Year’s Resolutions to Lose Weight

Some of the most common New Year’s resolutions are related to weight loss, exercise motivation, or developing a healthier lifestyle. Over the Holidays, we tend to overindulge and exercise less. Most of us commit to losing weight only to fall short within about two months. Setting unrealistic weight loss goals and exercise routines can set you up for failure. The key to success is committing to realistic goals. Here are some small changes you can make so that you can stick to New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight and have a healthier 2021.

Water is Your Friend

Drinking more water throughout the day can lead to drinking less coffee and weight loss. Very often we don’t realize that we’re not hungry, we are simply thirsty. Hunger and thirst feel almost exactly the same. Drinking more water will leave you feeling full and likely lower the number of calories you consume.

Snacking Can Be Healthy

Healthy snacks help you to lose weight and stay full throughout the day. Eating a small healthy snack before going out to eat or food shopping can lead you to make healthier decisions. When you’re not hungry you are less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks or foods before a meal or while grocery shopping. A few nuts or a healthy fruit like an apple can help you feel full. 

How to Measure Success

When trying to lose weight the scale is your enemy. A person’s weight fluctuates many times during the course of a day. One can get easily frustrated if they have made healthy choices, yet the scale does not reflect this. Frustration can lead to a sense of failure and giving up your resolutions. Take note of the size of your pants and/or your blouse. Going down a pants size is undeniably the best way to measure success. 

Exercise Routine

Many of us start the new year committing to exercising four to five times a week. While this seems like an amazing goal, if it’s not realistic within your schedule, you may be setting yourself up for failure. Pick a sport or exercise routine you actually enjoy. Think back to a sport you used to enjoy in your teenage years. Whether it’s basketball, dancing, walking or hiking, or learning how to play tennis, choose something that piques your interest. Initially commit to exercising two or three times a week or whatever fits within your schedule. Some weeks you may exercise more often but there will undoubtedly be weeks where your work schedule will not afford you the time to exercise as often as you would like. 

Stick to New Year’s Resolutions to Lose Weight

If there was a natural way to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions, you would certainly utilize it. Hypnosis is an excellent tool to help you reach your ideal weight. A hypnotherapist can guide you into a very relaxed state of trance and train your unconscious mind to automatically make healthy decisions related to food and exercise. Emotional connections or associations with food can be broken. Instead of eating a snack when bored or stressed, the subconscious mind can be programmed to reject food and replace it with a healthy alternative like taking a walk. 

Be gentle with yourself. Make realistic healthy New Year’s resolutions that set you up for success. Stack the deck in your favor and use hypnosis to stick to New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight. Make 2021 the year that you commit to being healthier and feeling better.