Willpower vs. Mindfulness & Hypnosis

There is a common misconception that willpower alone helps to break bad habits. However, the idea of willpower itself is a myth in the eyes of neuroscience. Studies show that the brain will always choose a reward when given the option. This being the case, it is no wonder people have difficulty quitting smoking and eating appropriate portions of healthy foods. What do the neuroscientists suggest when it comes to breaking bad habits? They suggest mindfulness which is an integral part of hypnosis. In fact, mindfulness & hypnosis can be the key to eliminating bad habits.

Detachment from Reality

People who smoke cigarettes, overindulge in alcohol, or take drugs have to disassociate from the negative impact they have on the body. There is no way that a smoker could logically accept the idea of putting toxins into their body multiple times each day without disassociating from it. People who overindulge in unhealthy habits ignore the health ramifications and only focus on the perceived reward. In fact, many smokers never think they will get sick until they do.  


Neuroscientists have found that just by being mindful of your bad habits can help you to break them. Being mindful essentially means being acutely aware of what it feels like, what it tastes like, what it smells like, and what it looks like when we engage in an undesirable habit. Put simply, taking the time to learn and identify what you are truly getting out of a bad habit can help you break it. 

A bad habit like smoking is accepted by the mind due to repetition, and the incorrect perceived reward of nicotine intake. Neuroscientists believe that if you take notice of your emotions, your thoughts, and what it really feels like to smoke, you will start to realize that there are no benefits to smoking. More importantly, your mind will no longer see smoking as a reward. 

Mindfulness & Hypnosis to Break a Bad Habit

Hypnotherapists have long used suggestions that allow their patients to mindfully be aware of what it feels like, tastes like, and smells like to smoke. In hypnosis, the mind is taught to notice the unpleasant smell of smoking, the difficulty breathing, and the true taste of nicotine. These are all things that smokers tend to ignore or disassociate from. 

Certified hypnotists also highlight the emotional burden of smoking cigarettes or habits like binge eating. Many smokers and overeaters feel shame and guilt and some even hide their habit. Hypnotherapists accentuate the emotions, which helps the inner mind to eliminate the incorrect perceived reward. When the unconscious mind realizes that there is no reward or gain associated with the habit, it can be broken quite easily. 

Willpower vs. Mindfulness

Everyone’s heard the story of a person who quit smoking cold turkey after a major health scare. The reason for this is simple. The reality of what nicotine does became painfully clear and essentially overrode the perceived reward. This person associated to the reality and the dangers of nicotine. 

Now that you know that willpower is just a myth, it’s time to consider associating to the idea of being mindful of what you put in your body. If being mindful on your own doesn’t help, hypnosis can program your mind to be acutely aware of the health impact of your bad habits and in turn free you from them. Choose Mindfulness & Hypnosis when looking to break a bad habit.