How to Overcome a fear of terrorism with Hypnosis

Unlike vampires or zombies, terrorists are real. This takes them out of the realm of the “safe scare” engendered by a late-night movie and into the arena of “something that might really happen.” Although the chances for most people to experience terrorism is low, fear of terrorism can make it hard to carry out normal life activities, such as flying to visit family or even going to a music concert. You know that your fears, whether rational or irrational, are not going to make a difference to your safety. You can overcome your fear of terrorism with hypnosis.

Overcoming Fear of Terrorism with Hypnosis

Your location will affect the likelihood of a terrorist attack. If you live on the mainland USA, your chances of encountering a terrorist attack are very small. In the years since 9/11, there are only 85 instances of jihadist terror attacks in the United States. Most of them were carried out by people who were U.S. citizens, and many of them were born here. Most were men. Only 8 were women. In fact, getting into the car and driving to the grocery store has a greater statistical risk than terrorism. Just to give that thought some comparative numbers, there were 34,439 fatal auto crashes in the year 2016. When compared to the general population that was 11.5 people in every 100,000. In the same year, there were 48 terrorist attacks, which means that your chances of being exposed to a terrorist attack while in the United States are very small.

Doing Normal Activities Calmly

As you probably already know, the real problem isn’t how likely you are to be caught up in terrorist activity, it is the fear you feel about engaging in travel. You have an excellent imagination that can paint all sorts of wild, crazy scenarios that involve going through security checkout lines or even being stopped at a routine traffic check. What you need is the ability to pick up your keys, take your luggage to the car, and calmly drive to the airport or to any other needed destination. You need to be able to present your tickets, go through security, and sit down in your seat on the airplane while you feel, calm, cool and collected, with no fear of an attack. You can overcome your fear of terrorism with hypnosis.

How Hypnosis Can Help

Hypnosis is a method of creating new mental patterns that will help you get on with your life. It cannot change the world, but it can help you change your response to it. It lets you train your mind to let go of the fear and take care of the activities that are a part of your normal life, such as traveling for business, visiting your children, or going to a music concert. You learn how to calm your mind so that you can act effectively. You learn how to set fear aside, let go of it, and deal realistically with your day-to-day world.