How to Keep Your Resolutions with Hypnosis

New Year’s is approaching and it’s the time of year where everyone is making resolutions. However, the majority of people do not wind up keeping their resolutions. Most of us want to lose weight, quit a bad habit like smoking, or just simply exercise more. Most of us want to turn over a new leaf. It makes sense to commit to a healthier you after the Holidays. After all we tend to eat more over the Holidays, indulge more over the Holidays, and drink more over the Holidays. 

What are Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions? 

The most common resolutions include exercising more, saving money, losing weight, quitting smoking , being more productive, finding ways to relieve stress, improving relationships, finding a new job, and setting aside time for yourself. So, what makes it so difficult to keep New Year’s resolutions? Is it a lack of willpower, focus, or motivation? 

How Long do Most People Keep their Resolutions?

Most people fail to keep their resolutions in as little as two months. In fact, a recent study showed that 80% were unable to keep their New Year’s for more than a month. Interestingly enough most people thought it would be a success to maintain their resolutions for two months. Is it really that hard or is there something else that we’re not aware of? 

The unconscious mind 

The part of the mind called the unconscious, is where emotional responses, cravings, and habits come from. We create limiting associations with food, exercise, and most of the top 10 resolutions based on our past experiences. 

Why would we give up eating unhealthy food if we associate it with good times and family gatherings? Most people associate alcohol with social gatherings and festive parties. Some associate exercise with work or being judged by others in places like gyms. Looking for a new job may trigger feelings of insecurity and a fear of failure based on past experiences. Unless these connections are addressed, it is difficult for most to begin a new healthy chapter in their lives. 

Programming the Unconscious Mind with Hypnosis 

Hypnosis is often portrayed in movies as mind control, where the subject blindly follows any and all commands given. While this can make for a very dramatic scene in a movie it is far from the truth. Hypnosis, in fact, is a focused and relaxed state where the unconscious mind can be accessed and trained to respond in healthier ways. Patients are not asleep and find it to be very relaxing.

How Hypnosis helps you keep your resolutions

The reason hypnotherapy is so effective with bad habits and lifestyle changes, is because it breaks or reframes any limiting connections we have with food, alcohol, cigarette smoking, or any other unhealthy pattern in our lives. We see things differently, from a new perspective. Hypnotherapy helps to let things go and to see things the way they really are. 

For example, it can change the way we view food. The mind is taught to eat for survival and hunger. As opposed to feeling self-conscious in a gym we see others as supportive, with their own personal lifestyle goals. Hypnosis also taps into the experiences and resources we have from our past that reinforce our ability to feel confident, secure, and at peace. 

If you have had difficulty keeping your resolutions consider hypnotherapy for weight loss, stress management, motivation to exercise, procrastination, and/or to quit smoking. Hypnosis can give you the edge you need to begin and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.