Conquer your Fear of Bridges with Hypnosis

Conquer your Fear of Bridges with Hypnosis

Fear of bridges is called gephyrophobia. It can have several component parts such as being afraid of heights or being afraid of large bodies of water. Many times, such fears are rooted in events from your past. Hypnosis can help determine the event that caused the fear and help your unconscious mind make a shift in perception. You can overcome your fear of bridges with hypnosis. You might go white-knuckled and grip the steering wheel of your vehicle as if it were a life line all the way across the bridge. Or you might feel sick at the thought of driving across a bridge. Hypnosis can help.

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How to Overcome a Fear of Water with Hypnosis

Overcome a fear of water with hypnosis NYC

Having respect for water is a healthy thing for humans. After all, we don’t have gills to extract oxygen from water. But an extreme fear of water can prevent you from learning to swim or from becoming a good swimmer even if you learn how to take a few strokes or swim on your back. Good swimmers can develop a fear of water later on in life. Unreasonable fear of water or aquaphobia can keep you from enjoyable activities such as boating, going on a cruise or even driving across a bridge. The good news is that you can overcome a fear of water with hypnosis.

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Conquer Your Fear of Driving With Hypnosis

Fear of Driving Hypnotherapy NYC

When you suffer from a fear of driving, even normal life can cause anxiety. From driving in bad weather to driving over bridges, every road trip makes you panicked. This type of fear is especially common after a car accident. Up to one out of three people who get in a crash that involves a hospital stay are afraid of driving afterward.

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How Hypnosis Treats Phobias and Anxiety

Hypnosis Treats Phobias and Anxiety NYC

In research studies, it has been found that hypnosis treats phobias and anxiety successfully in many cases. From neurolinguistic programming to direct suggestions, hypnosis techniques can help patients overcome their phobias. They can start to enjoy normal life again without fears holding them back.

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